Wednesday 6 - Thursday 7 March | TRECC, Tamworth

Australia’s Leading Regional Agri-tech Event

AgSmart Connect is Australia’s leading regional agri-tech event, bringing education and innovation to the forefront through thought leadership, research and development in Australian agriculture to professionals of the land.

Driving future productivity and profitability for our farming nation

Exhibitors at AgSmart can display, demonstrate, inform and influence Australian farmers about adopting new technological advances and different practices in agriculture to drive future productivity and profitability for our farming nation.

If you have a new innovation, product or service related to agriculture, then AgSmart is a unique opportunity and highly effective way to reach and network with the broad ranging demographic of visitors and exhibitors to AgSmart - in an environment conducive to listening, learning, demonstrating, engaging and selling.

Why get involved?

Event exhibiting is one of the most effective and proven sales and lead generation tools available for businesses today – and it’s also very cost effective for you to play your part.

Here are some important tips and reasons for you to consider when taking part in event exhibiting:


What other platform of promotion places your business directly in front of thousands of shoppers (your potential customers) as they walk past your front door display area? It’s very important, so you need to take the time to display and lay out your products and services to attract your shoppers inside.


Ultimately that’s what you are here for – Results. Make sure you have some leading lines where you can deal directly with your customers. Be prepared to demonstrate the features and benefits of your product or service face to face.


Don’t be backward in communicating and interacting with a diverse range of potential customers as this may lead to immediate sales or sales at a later date. So keep a list of who you spoke to and build a database of prospective customers that you can follow up.


It is not uncommon where a customer you have spoken to at the event contacts you weeks or months after and asking whether a particular product / service you displayed is still available for sale. It is amazing how you and your brand can create many long term connections and relationships with customers.


ACM Rural Events can promote your business across multiple platforms - covering over 140 ACM publications such as rural and regional, agricultural, suburban and seniors, event official guides, digital media, social media and on-site radio. Giving you the opportunity to reach thousands more potential customers.


Through the course of setting up, during and bumping out at events will give you the chance to connect with other exhibitors and make new contacts within the industry which you will find networking business to business very beneficial.

Want to know more?

For more information about AgSmart, please contact ACM Rural Events on 02 6768 5800, email or visit our Facebook page.