AgSmart Media Release

PAIRTREE PIPES - Allowing Farmers to CONNECT to the Future

Come and catch up on the latest in innovation and data sharing at AS/40 at AgSmart, Bendigo.

80% of farmers have between 5 - 10 Agtech apps and digital Ag services, that they utilise in their farming operations. Most are overwhelmed and frustrated with the consideration of adopting new services.

On the other side of the coin more and more Agtech is being created to make data collection, measurement, monitoring and operational insights easier; or to prove eligibility for the new programs and compliance tools.

The great thing is, that farmers are getting more choice and flexibility for services that suit their operation. The bad thing is that there will be more ‘double entering’ and setup for each new service that farmers are wishing to invest in.

This is where Pairtree Pipes comes in, helping farmers, CEOs and software developers. Pipes can connect the required data between Agtech services or to your database.

Pairtree Pipes have 100+ Agtech and digital Ag connections that farmers can opt into being added to including Agtech, ESG, carbon, compliance, integrity and productivity services.

“By the farmers connecting once, the future of data sharing is endless,” said Hamish Munro, farmer and founder of Pairtree

Pairtree was the first Australian Agtech company to rewrite our terms and conditions to reflect the NFF voluntary farm data codes focus on transparency of what happened internally with the farmers data.

“We sell integrations, NOT information” said Mr Munro